DFB-I型救生服 使用說明書 DBF-II型浸水保溫服穿著使用方法
始發地址: http://gpmelody.com 所有人: 易安公司<易凡達> 發布日期: 2013-03-15 09:00
【公司: 東臺市易安救撈裝備有限公司 電話: 0515-85755092 傳真: 0515-85755119】您正在訪問的是DFB-I型救生服 使用說明書 DBF-II型浸水保溫服穿著使用方法,具體信息如下:
保溫救生服產品,如需要幫助請致電13337982885SOLAS公約2004年修正案第32 條個人救生設備:
修改了第32.3 條,要求貨船上為每個船員配備一件保溫救生服。該條款對現有船具有追朔性。另外,對于除散貨船以外,且永久航行于溫暖水域的其他貨船,經主管機關同意可予 以免除。2006 年7 月1 日以前建造的現有船,應于2006 年7 月1 日及以后的第一次SE 檢驗前,為船上每人配備一套保溫救生服.
DFB-I型救生服 使用說明書
一、簡 介
1.攤開衣服,伸入雙腿。 2.整理褲褪上的尼龍粘扣排除腿部的空氣。
3.穿上雙臂,戴上帽子,拉上水密拉鏈。 4.整理服裝,戴好擋浪片。四、維護保養注意事項
DFB-I immersion suits is designed and produced according to the standards of the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) (1974), its Amendment (1996) and MSC.81(70) entitled Revised Recommendation on Testing of Life-saving Appliances. It is prepared for the operation persons on the ship or on the platform over the sea as a special overcoat for life-saving and thermal insulation when they are in the cold -water area or in the adverse circumstances. It is made of waterproof cloth and thermal insulation floating materials. The jacket, trousers, gloves and oil-proof boots are connected as one to cover the whole body except the face. It has the properties of floatability, waterproof and natural thermo stability. It is equipped with lifejacket light and whistle. It can be used as a lifesaving necessity without another lifejacket to put on for the people on the ship navigating at any area and platform over the sea. It has large size and middle size, which can be provided for people at the height of 1.75~1.9m and shorter than 1.75m separately.
Main Properties
1.Taking in water property: The person who wears the immersion suits floats in water for an hour, then the water inside the immersion suits is not less than 200 grams.
2.Floating property: The person who wears the immersion suits can turn over to the face up on the water in 5 seconds, and his mouth and nose are above the surface of water 120mm. After floating in the water for 24 hour, its buoyancy loses less than 5%.
3.Thermo stability: The person who wears the lifejacket floats in the still water at the temperature 0~2℃ for 6 hours, his body temperature falls less than 2℃,and the temperature of his hands, feet and skin falls less than 10℃.
Method of Wearing
People should choose the right size of the immersion suits according to his height. The steps of wearing are as follows. The steps for taking off the immersion suits are opposite.
1.Open the immersion suits, then stretch two legs in it.
2. Faded on the finishing pants leg Velcro exclude air.
3.Put in the arms, and then put on the hat. Pull on the waterproof zippers.
4.Adjust the immersion suits. Put on the wave shield.
Cautions for Maintenance:
1.The immersion suits should be put at a low temperature, ventilated, and dry environment. It is prohibited to place the immersion suits under high temperature or exposed to the sun for a long time. The immersion suits should be avoided contacting with oil and corrosive materials such as acid, alkali or salt. Don't damage the immersion suits or it's waterproof layer. It is not allowed to put heavy stress on the immersion suits.
2.During the storage and operating, the immersion suits can't be contacted with or rub against sharp matters so as to prevent the waterproof layer from damaging and affect the waterproof property of the immersion suits. The rats in the storage place should be taken into consideration so as to protect the waterproof and thermo properties of the immersion suits.
3.Turn over the inside part of the immersion suits regularly when one wear it frequently. Put it in the air to dry the water vapor inside the immersion suits. Clean the dirty cloth with neutral detergent and brush it with a soft brusher. Then give the cloth a good rinse. Drip the water inside the cloth. Finally, dry the inside and outside of the cloth in the air completely.
DBF-II型浸水保溫服 說明書
一、簡 介
1、攤開衣服,伸入雙腿。 2、整理褲褪上的尼龍粘扣排除腿部的空氣。
The DFB-II Immersions suits is manufactured for the operator who working on board and on the offshore platform in cold and adverse circumstances to save life and heat insulation, it consists of a foamed rubber compound-material for the diving-suit, and the jacket, pants, gloves and boots joints together, the suit can cover the whole human-body except face, and posses floating, watertight and thermal insulation functions. It is equipped with lamp, whistle and safety hanger, and do not need to wear the other lifesaving clothing, there are specifications to choose for the operator who is 1.75~1.9 m height and lower than 1.75 m.
Main performance
1. Waterproof performance:
Water permeability amount is less than 200g after the wearer has floated on water one hour.
2. Floating performance:
The wearer can turn over within 5 seconds so that the face toward up and the mouth 120 mm above the water level, after 24 hours soaking in water the floating-loss of the suit is less than 5%.
3. Thermal insulation performance:
The wearer soaks in stationary water of 0~2℃ after 6 hours, the body temperature reducing is not more than 2℃, the temperature of hands and foots skin is not lower than 10℃.
Wearing instructions
The wearer shall choose the suitable Immersions suits, in accordance with the body-height, wearing procedures as follows:
1. Put legs into pants of the suit
2. Arrange the nylon connector of the pants in order to squeeze out air.
3. Put arms into the suits and wear the cap, zip up the watertight zipper.
4. Wear the wave shield to cover the mouth and nose and float on the water so that the face toward up.
5. When use lifejacket light rafers to operating instructions brief introduction, Please turn on the lamps only by need.
Points for attention for maintenance:
1. The Immersions suits shall be stored at a ventilate cool and dry place, and it must be protected from high temperature and sun light, no contact with acid, alkali, salt and oil, and no heavy weight pressing on the suit long time to avoid damaging of the suit and the waterproof line. It is normal that there are some packing wrinkles on the suit during storage.
2. No contact with sharp matter to avoid damaging of the waterproof line, pay attention to mouse in the storage place to avoid the suit is bitted by mouse.
3. Inner clothing of the lifesaving suit shall be turned out periodical to dry if it is worn often, to wash the suit, please use a neutral washing agent and soft brush, after washing use clean water completely to rinse and let it natural dry.
4. Please do not pull down the switch(ring)to turn on the suit lamp during storage and only do it by need, otherwise the lamp is damaged or the lithium-battery is depleted.
5. Please check the suit at regular intervals, if it is discovered that the suit is damaged or no water-tight, the suit must be repaired.
型 號DBF-I DBF-II DBF-II 證書形式CCS證書 CCS證書 EC證書 材 質 尼龍防水布+PVC泡沫片 氯丁發泡橡膠雙面復合鎂加布 穿著時間<2min
S型:適合于身高不足1.75m者。 進水性能穿著者在水中漂浮1小時,衣服內的進水量小于200g。 保溫特性穿著者在0-2℃的靜水流中浸泡6小時,體溫降低不超過2℃ 浮力性能穿著者能在5秒內翻至面部向上的位置,口鼻部露出水面120mm,在水中浸泡24小時,其浮力損失小于5℃。
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